Wow, I'm sorry it's so bad, Flower.

I don't usually play devil's advocate - the messages just sounded so crazy that the only way my brain could make sense of it was to think they might have been an accident. (trying to make sense of Ns doesn't work... why do I keep trying?)
I'm so sorry that she's so cruel and manipulative. She sounds much, much closer to "stalker" than "mother" and deserves to be treated accordingly.
My mom has never delved much into the weird messages. She can actually sound very nice in written cards and notes, which confuses me and makes me feel guilty in a whole different way. The closest I have to weird, manipulative phone stuff is one night I came home around 9pm and got a frantic phone call from her. She'd been trying to call me for the past few hours and since I hadn't answered, she thought I'd been in an accident. She didn't seem to think I could possibly be out so "late" at night. So she had been out driving around looking for me by the side of the road, repeatedly calling me from her cell phone. When I brought up this incident later, in an attempt to set clearer boundaries with her, she said that she needed to stop doing those things because they were so scary and painful for her... instead of hearing me saying that it made me feel controlled and guilty and anxious. (incidentally I've had anxiety about going outside of my home on and off since I was 10, sometimes to the point of keeping me housebound. In hindsight, the causes for some things can get so clear...)