I have been an independent person since the age of 5 years of age.
My voice is my own voice, and not that of any other, and, that is how I have conducted my life to date
to the very best of my ability, given whatever stage I have been at during my life journey, and of course,
my voice is as I am in the here and now of today.
Cliques and circles have always eluded me, and, that has been just fine.
Love, Leah
PS > None of us here are sitting face to face in a room, instead, we are expressing our voice (our real life) with * words *
What I tend to do is choose my * words * carefully so that I express what I am actually saying - what it is I wish to share, from me, as an
independent person.
My voice is voiced without any hidden agenda or innuendo, instead, it is open and honest, with due care and consideration, which I
sincerely hope, would be reciprocal. When I make a mistake then you can expect to receive an apology from me, as is the norm.
My view is that we are not Objects --- rather, we are unique individual human beings with real lives; hearts and souls.
And also, that we are all Equal here, for there is no hierarchal pecking order. (we have Dr Grossman who is the sole moderator)
Love, Leah