Ever since the first day that I came across this board in January 2007 there have been people posting as GUESTS.
And during the chaos earlier on, and throughout this year, I have seen a person of excellent calibre, a gentle person, post as a
GUEST saying that they she was too afraid to come out of her shell, and post with their own Identity.
And oddly enough, I have taken a great deal of time in looking back to 2006 and there was a huge amount of GUESTS posting
amid the numerous toxic outbursts. Oddly enough, there was an awful toxic trauma this time last year, when seemingly, some very
grounded people left the board -- not in a huff, but, instead, HURT very hurt indeed it would seem.
Today someone has posted as a GUEST coming back onto the board and said that she left soon after joining in 2004 because of
toxic stuff happening.
I have no idea who PAPS is and have admitted that I thought it was Dr Grossman and apologized for thinking PAPS was Dr Grossman
on Dr Grossman's thread 'a couple reminders' ... on Page 1
However, whoever PAPS may really be, he (or she) did seem to speak with wisdom and commonsense on both threads.
What I wonder is this, maybe, that the real underlying problem is this .........
People not reading a whole thread through (if they are not already aware of the content)
and 'leaping in' with an assumptive post based on what the last couple of postings * say *
which naturally and understandably then creates a ripple of feelings and reactions.
And hurt.
Wonder if the problem may be in not taking the time to carefully read things through ? ( admittedly, we don't always have the time)
But in reality, does simply "changing the subject" and lets not look at this, ever really help ..... anyone ?
It didn't help us much in our Voiceless lives
Upon reflection, maybe, if we could just remember that each post is a part of a whole person in real life, and in real life
when we engage in healthy communication we ask questions all the time.
Love, Leah