Well, after much googling, have found this, which is most insightful, so I will sit and study this.Patronizing Behavior: Where it Stems from, What to Do if You Dole it Out or Receive ItTo be patronized is to be treated as if you are less intelligent or knowledgeable than the person you’re speaking with, and it can be one of the most frustrating experiences you can have in life.
Anyone can be patronized -- men, women, seniors, young people -- and patronization can take on many forms, such as:
• Addressing someone by their first name when others are addressed more properly
• Patting a person in a wheelchair on their head or soldier
• Giving excess praise to someone for a fairly simple action
• Assigning someone remedial tasks at work or at home
• Speaking slowly or excessively loud to an elderly person
• Talking “down” to someone
Even objects can be perceived as patronizing. For example, a recent survey by ad agency Saatchi & Saatchi found that many of the women surveyed felt patronized by the abundance of pink objects” in the technology category, such as cell phones, iPods, etc.
But being patronized is more than just frustrating. It can lead to issues with self-esteem and can negatively affect your performance at work.
In fact, according to a study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, male bosses who patronized their female employees undermined their performance. The bosses patronized the women workers by offering them excessive praise, but no “valued resources,” such as raises or promotions.
Why People Patronize Others, and What to do if You’re Patronized“People patronize others because of their own insecurity and self-doubt,” “They need to tear others down in order to feel OK.”
If you are a patronizer, you may not even realize that you are doing it.
For instance, “It may be hard for men to see that they are behaving in discriminatory ways because the praise they are giving to women may feel like it is a reflection of genuine positive regard."
Often, however, people who patronize others do knowingly try to boost themselves up at the expense of making someone else feel somehow less worthy. Well, aside from my reason for searching for information, gives clarity on my experience of being patronized and invalidated in the position of "victim" and "survivor" as once you voiced your life, you were robbed of everything you had attained in life, i.e. career and intelligence etc.
Much the same with the senior ladies and gentlemen who live in their retirement home. 
Food for thought.
Love, Leah