LOL Bean...that was funny and fun!
Ami, my internal insights or whatever you just asked me about...well, let's see.
Honestly, I don't know that it was anything I could pinpoint as far as my healing goes. I did have people pray for me, but honestly, a lot of it just came from being fed up with being controlled. I am not even a daily coffee drinker, because I don't like the idea of having to depend on a substance in order to wake up in the morning.
I just plain hate being controlled, period, so I learned to detect the N's of life and to steer clear as much as possible and assert who I am.
I was thinking this morning about my preferences in life. I tend to be someone who likes to lose myself in other peoples' worlds, vicariously, through book reading or tv watching or computing. I really prefer to not deal in the real world all that often with new people. Now, I'm thinking "Laura, you just told everyone what a PEOPLE PERSON you are, didn't you?" Well, I am, but I've been discovering that I'm only a "people person" with certain people who know my rough edges and tolerate me anyway. I don't choose to hang often with people who can't take what I say in makes things rough for sure. I guess maybe I'm just a loner, masking as a socialite?
I like being in my skin but not necessarily in my current situation of "family" at times, if that makes sense.