You have made numerous requests for input as to the content of your posts , etc. , so I will try to do what I can. The issue of posting as a "pastor" and "counselor " seems to be of most pressing interest to me. Are you a member of the Pastoral Counseling Association (it requires a certain level of vetting of competency, etc)? I commend your goal of helping others and yourself, as well as your going to school to get a degree. Do you have any certifications, licenses or recognized clinical experience? If not, I am not certain that your "counseling" at this point is any more than what friends do when they talk over their troubles together. Support such as this from friends is extremely important and helpful, but does not rise to the level of a formal "counseling session". I am sure that you mean no harm, but when people who are not qualified make claims of "counseling" and represent thenselves as a 'pastor", it can be harmful and even dishonest, without realistic qualifications and competencies.
Though I am sure that you do not mean to do this, if you are not qualified by virtue of education and recognized clinical experience it may still be something to think about. A self-proclaimed prophet, holy person, all-knowing person like David Koresh can ruin both their own life and the lives of others to the extent that their delusions are relied upon as truth. I am sure that you would not want to do anything like this yourself, at whatever level, ever. You might think about getting the education and experience required for the certification in order to do the best for yourself and those you seek to help if you do not already possess objective qualifications, unless you are speaking with people solely on a friend to friend basis. It seems according to your posts like you may be in the process of getting your education, now. In the meantime if this is so, you can be a supportive friend to those in need, and when you are getting your own thorough counseling, clinical training and required experience for a degree and license, you an begin formal counseling work. That is invaluable.
You have indicated that you are of the Christian faith. Requirements for being a Christian pastor are spelled out for Christians in the Bible. They include at the very least, having one's household and one's self under subjection. If one has not been able to rightly do this, it makes sense that wherever one's religion or interest lies, the family that one is entrusted with is where one's energy and resources should go, first and foremost. The Pastoral Counseling Association also has other requirements above the Biblical ones, as a way of making people who enter into said counseling safe. In most denominations pastors are ordained, attend bible college and receive a degree in theology as well.
One can sympathize and support and inform others , but this is different from formal counseling and being a pastor. We are here on this board to support each other and seek support in dealing with voicelessness and and issues of emotional survival that are destructive in our lives, and all are welcome and respected here, whatever their belief systems. From my limited understanding of you, as gleaned from what has been on the board, your family is in crisis, you have mentioned infidelity and extreme sexual acting out behaviors and estrangement in your husband and your older daughters, for example, as well as acts of violence perpetrated by you upon your daughter. These are very serious matters, and I assume that you are here to help you deal with these critical issues, as I am with mine, and I am happy that you are here. We all benefit from your being here.
In terms of your request for input regarding your stance and posts, as far as your making claims of being a pastor and counselor in your posts , and giving out what you believe are definitive interpretations of the Bible, characterizing yourself as "never lying", and as having vanquished all vestiges of crisis and abuse in your life and now looking from the other side upon those who are more damaged, as well as what may be seen as possibly using posts to judge others who may not have the same religious beliefs or lifestyles (watching TV channels that may have "filthy" shows and declaring your own purity,etc) seem somewhat counterproductive at best, and these may just have been mistakes or imperfections, such as we all commit and have ourselves. I may have misinterpreted your posts as well, and you may not be holding yourself out as a pastor or counselor, or as having defeated the seemingly intractable issues you face, or judging others, etc., which is a good thing.
However, when I post on this board and do not request assistance in my religious, lifestyle or personal choices,I do not want to have to defend my difference from anyone here in terms of a choice of religions, TV shows or who I choose to sleep with or not according to anyone's belief system or thoughts, or about their own level of perfection or magical powers, etc. There are other Boards that deal with specific religions, cults, beliefs, sexual orientations, prophets, magic, etc- this Board is not affiliated with any one viewpoint, and all views on those subjects, whether or not you or I may agree with them, should be respected without judgement, and the infliction of unsolicited judgements in these areas upon others here is a violation of that level of respect.
I am here for support and to give support to a diverse community of individuals that is united and values everyone, apart from any cultural, religious or political considerations, as this is an impartial human issue ( as I know that you are as well, ultimately) without being subjected to religious dogma or the judgement of others. I admire your courage in dealing with the issues in your family and appreciate the wonderful motivation to help others as well, and wish you well as you gain the tools to do what you envision as well as in healing your family and yourself, as a committed pastor and counselor. This is what we are all ultimately here on this Board for, to get help and to help others in gaining healing freedom, expression, fulfillment as autonomous individuals, and you seem to be on your way to making a wonderful difference in your life and lives of others.