Lighter, you asked me to fill in the blanks since I posted this on the other thread:
heard from my D and she's ecstatic. So thrilled the tropical weather and w/her apt. and eager for school to start. Her 2 blessed friends drove 18 hours with her and then helped her unload the truck and carry her belongings and furniture up two flights of stairs. Saints!
D and I had been struggling along, one big meltdown lately over her being so critical (late night phone call--when she was readying to move and I had lost a friend and she was pretty cold about it, being obsessed w/herself and her own anxiety at the moment, in a nutshell).
But then when I went to meet her to say goodbye (in a town near the state line, she was getting her car inspected, then moving 18 hours south the next day) -- our goodbye was a heart-melter. We had a long breakfast and she shared how scared she was and I told her how much faith I have in her, that she's completely capable.... The farewell really hit me. When we hugged goodbye I was fine, truly releasing her, and she wouldn't stop hugging me and then cried, and kept saying I love you, as we pulled out. I could suddenly see how much she really does love me, and how everything else just fell away when we were saying goodbye. I was sad she was sad but it was very healing for me to see her FEEL.
So and bulled through her fears and made the trip (calling me several times along the way). I had been very worried about the huge crime-ridden city, that she was picking an apartment off the internet, and no idea what kind of an area it's in...that really had me concerned.
She called with JOY in her voice: Mom, it's gorgeous, it was worth everything. It was worth it all. I've got a PALM TREE right off my balcony. Called again later: Mom I'm in heaven, just want you to know. Called again: Mom I can't wait for you to come down, and while i'm at school you can chill out on the beach or go to the gardens, and there's a pick-your-own strawberries (and other stuff) place I can WALK to, and the cats are happy--here listen to him purr--etc., etc. And she's met two neighbors, she speaks no Spanish but they speak English--a young woman with a tiny dog and an older man, both were friendly...then last night she called from her gf's father's place an hour north, where she and her two SAINT friends were gathered for NYEve, having drinks overlooking the canal, and she sounds SO SO happy and can't wait for school to start tomorrow, and says she can't wait for me to visit.
So all in all, I agree with her, it's all been worth it. I haven't heard such joy in her voice since before her Dad died.
She happy,
Me happy.