Every day he told me "Hola mama", every day in the morning. When I took him to dormotories at 17 years old, that morning was the last morning I heard "HOla mama".
After that, he came week ends and vacation, until he came one weekend and skeep one, then once a month, then only on vacation.
Now, it is Sunday after church we get together and eat. Vacation just a few dasy on Christmas time. That is it.
This year he did not say Hola mama. He got up and ignored me, the first thing to do is to call "the other woman", and then, got some ceral and milk. He always asked me to fix breakfast for him. Not this year.
Well, Lea, god gives us children like borrowed, we borrow children and then we have to give them back.
It is hard, very hard.
I believe my son is ignoring me in purpose to show to his GF that he is independent.
Oh well, we have to build a new life.
Just dont have the desire or energy.