Something More: Excavating Your Authentic Self
by Sarah Ban Breathnach
In this eloquent & evocative workbook, you are invited along on the exploration of your life: its times, its relationships & its fears. Marvelous mysteries are unearthed & much healing occurs.
This beauty of a book leapt off the shelving cart at the library & I have since bought a my own copy as it's one of those books you take home & make your own. I knew I had to scribble my responses, my solutions, my experiences in its margins. Wonderful stuff! Something for every time you feel worthless, when your choices seem self-destructive, when you feel you have little faith & less courage.
Sarah Ban Breathnach quotes Nathaniel Branden in his The Psychology of Self-Esteem: ‘When we bury feelings, we also bury ourselves. It means we exist in a state of alienation. We rarely know it, but we are lonely for ourselves.'
Even if you think you know it all & maybe, especially if you think you know it all - take Something More off the shelf & riffle through its finely textured pages, stop & join in the odyssey. See if this book doesn't speak to you too!
Dare to become the archaeologist of your Self: to plumb your past with its unfulfilled longings, forgotten pleasures & abandoned dreams, to “excavate” the authentic woman buried inside.
It's hard, dirty & lonely work - share a volume or two with your best friends! Your rewards are the shining truths you uncover along the way.
...from Anna's song in the The King & I: "Getting to know you, getting to know all about you"
Truly, this is the work that I have done, and indeed, it was daring, to find, and become, my Self
It's worth the effort and sheer diligence. Yes, it has been lonely, and hard work, along the journey, but, worth the travel.
Love to (((( everyone ))))
with sincere good wishes,