Well, since I didn't have an N parent per se, I will say that I'm thankful to X for teaching me how to have pride in how I dress and behave in public. True that she took it to the extreme, but I don't, yet, before I met her, I had no sense in what clothing matched or how I turned off others by my odd behaviors either.
I also have to give credit to her for teaching me that my relationship with Holy Spirit was the only one I could really ever count on. By pulling away from me, mistreating me, using the silent treatment with me, and showing me basically what she went through as a child having to have all the answers, raise herself, and having no parents truly in her life, she taught me what it felt like to fully lean on God and also how not to treat my own daughters.
WIth X it has never been an "all black" experience for me, emptied. I experienced nights of humor with her, going shopping, meeting her family, preaching at her church, eating at restaurants, meeting her aquaintences, being given nice gifts, learning about her ministry work abroad. I guess that's why my heart has been really torn for a long time...because it wasn't all BAD and I tend to want to migrate back toward "if only I wouldn't have ____________," or "I shouldn't have said or done ___________."
We can't let ourselves GO THERE, if we are to keep moving forward. To say that I have no good feelings about her, well, I'd be a liar.