A few days ago I posted about how they brake elephants in some parts of Asia. They torture them, tie and chain them, when they are babies. By the time they are finish with them, the elephants do not run away even if they are brake free of chains.
They did experiments with cats, they put a cat in a very small piece and if move away, he got electric shocks. After a while, the cat does not try at all to move away even if you turn off the electricity.
When you have been treated in a way that end up hopeless, thinking that there is no door, and you stay where you are going to be damaged, you have been invalidated.
Also, when you are asked a question and you put excitement and thought and energy in your answer and your answered is ignored or you are not even allowed to finish your answer because the person changed the subject abruptly, that is invalidation.
Or when you ask something and you never get an answer, that is invalidation.
Can you show me where is the question?
And I am not fighting or nothing, I am trying to stay and discuss, as long as you allow me. How can you allow me? By responding. If you do not respond-----------> extintion comes.