I am going in to the next phase of healing.
I see that I have to look at life,as it is, not as the N TOLD me it was.
The life building blocks from the N must be thrown out: ideas, viewpoints, thinking.All of it was an N lie:who I am, my worth, value, self concept.
What is left? Seeing the truth with my OWN eyes. I had to shut them down and see only what the N wanted me to see.I was asleep ,like the princess in the fairy tale.
Now, my eyes can open.
I can "see" people: their faces ,expressions, voices. I can figure out situations ,using my intuition,not superimposed with N thinking.
It is a new world, as I drop N things by the side of the road, on the trash heap ,where they belong.
I still have depths to plumb :things I haven't faced. I have to keep looking and seeing. They key is facing it all--inside myself and outside,until the lies are gone.