Things like that. This is what restored my life...knowing these things were true. Of course, there are other gurus who have taught positive affirmations and those are good too. My point is, our minds were not created to dwell on negative, dismal, depressing things.
The danger is that in adopting the Christian Positive Only Confession, that one is absolutely clueless of life, has no awareness of people and behaviour and remains bound by the abusiveness of others. That's how spiritual abuse is executed.
I know, it happened to me 15 years ago, and I had no idea why, no idea why they were behaving as they did, bewildered as I thought that Positive Faith Confession would bring freedom, yet, I was bound, even more bound than previously.
Awareness is life breathing and so is finding the tools to equip oneself to go out there and live a life with fullness and hope.
A healthy middle ground of mature balance is a sure foundation for living in freedom, with no chains.
There is both negative and positive in life's tapestry, it is how we deal with the negative, with the right tools, that makes the difference.
Else, denial does it's deadly work. Denial is not life breathing or life enhancing. It is a state of perpetual hopelessness.
Speaking from my personal life experience.
I have just posted on the 'chains' thread of a workbook that was wonderful for me during my time of Post N turmoil ...
> Beth Moores ~ Breaking Free 'making liberty a reality in life' working on mending a heart that has been broken,
positively removing the ashes, the obstacles in ones life, which has one bound, and then becoming healed and free, walking with honor and liberty.
from Chains of Bondage .... to Freedom, with peace in ones heart. Best stress reliever that I know of.
Love, Leah
Thing I try to remember is that we each stand at a different stage of our own journey and take time to stand a while, to look at an aspect in our own life experience that relates to us as an individual, and work it through to reach an understanding, and gain a tool for application in our life.