I see ,with my M, that she is 'broken". It wasn't intentional. On her last visit, she TRIED to be as good as she could be. She wanted to be a "good" mother.
She did back down ,simply, b/c I was a bigger dog-. She will always be the 'dog" who jumps on the sofa when you are not looking. There will not be a 'learning" curve.
I am talking to her ,on the phone, now.However, if I go out of the house, there she will be again--on the "sofa-"-bleh.
Her thinking is not 'right".
She is not trying to hurt me. She did hurt me ,terribly, but it was not intentional. She just things in a "screwy" way(understatement-lol)
N's are cowards. They ,also, know WHO they can bully. She can't bully me, anymore, so she doesn't.
She is a cerebral N, so there was not a physical component..
My M backs down to my Aunt b/c my Aunt is a bigger dog--always has been
The lesson of being a 'bigger dog" ,I learned MUCH too late(lol). Ami
PS, GS--as I was writing this, I was thinking that your F is in a different category than my M. I was not writing TO you,(giving advice), as much as sharing my own experience. Not all N's are the same. Your F seems more "hard core" than my M. Just wanted to clarify, GS.I am sorry for the continual pain that your F foists on you, GS. You don't deserve a second of it!