I am confused about something. I recently ended a relationship with someone who behaved very deceitfully - both in hiding things (not telling the complete truth) and in telling direct lies.
Now this person claims that their behavior was due to the fact that they were clinically depressed. Is lying considered a symptom of depression? I find this confusing, since many people do suffer from depression but do not lie. And the meds they are taking don't seem to be completely effective in restoring honesty.
Previously, this person was not honest in all things, although the lying and deceit definately worsened recently. So if I person that is not really all that honest becomes depressed, do they begin to be even more dishonest? Or does a depressed person not realize they are lying?
Perhaps depression enhances negative traits that are already present? For example, this person always seemed not to fully take responsibility for unpleasant things that happened to them, even in cases where it was clearly at least in part to their own mistakes or shortcomings. But this seemed to grow into intensive blaming and criticizing of other people for almost all the dissatisfaction they experienced in life - is that depression?
I always thought depressed people tended to blame themselves, but perhaps that is only what I do when depressed...
Anyway, if any of you have any insight from your own experiences, I'd like to hear it.