I dunno sometimes I feel like a freak for saying...
Does anyone else here cry over roadkills?
Tonight I saw a particularly gruesome one,blood was all over the road I think the animal was beheaded.The furry body which once held a life,one I never knew myself,but precious nonetheless was lying on the dark roadside,abandoned,forgotten,disrespected...alone. .Damn I hate humans sometimes .I really do hate cars. I saw it and sat in the car,and my partner pulled into a gas station,and I lost it..I cried the kinds of sobs that come from the pit of your heart,I just was hurting insidse for this animal.
We went home and I hugged all 3 of my cats so thankful they were all OK.
They were a bit confused at my upset but they warmed me with thier heartsong(purrs) and the love in thier eyes were a balm to my aching soul.
I hate the unquestioned stupid ways we have let ourselves be forced live by other people we believe have power over us to make us drive to work tell us howe to plan communitiesthese institutions made by people that tell us how we should and must live..I hate the spineless conformity to people in power this culture of make believe exibits in it's unquestiononing servitude to what kills it..It's disgusting...We live in ways that are sick,destructive and suicidal,ways that cause so much death ,pain and suffering,than we pretend to ourselves it isn't really harmful! Arrgh we lie!...Shit I wish the earth would swallow up the psycho failure called civilization and wipe out the cancer that is this human race,take away all the asphalt, pollution and the industrialized military civilized crap we systematically create to soothe egos insecurities and pretend we are in control, that kills everything it touches.Humanity is insane and we cannot stop destroying beauty.
This poor creature,is going to go to some rending plant, after it's picked up like trash by animal control.
All it's fat will by fried out of it's broken body in cookers that NEVER stop. Rending plants cook the dead animal innocents,the shelter kills the vet enthuasia patients,slaughterhouse wastes,horses that are injured,sick deer,downer cows.The cookers run day and night everyday.This little being will be turned into industrial lubricants,chicken food and industrial protiens...cat and dog food.. And nobody cares!!! They say I should not care because it's JUST roadkill an inavoidable conequence..ogf what?
Humanities sick inherent insecurity and want of control? Thier patghologically stunted empathy and myopic self absorbed self awareness? Thier anthrocentric bigotry?
I have had it. I can't stand humans! I wish my heart would just stop sometimes..I am ashamed to be born a crazy,hairless ugly 'civilized' monsterous thing..
But at least I can still feel sympathy. What about the so called civilized humands who say,Don't get bent out of shape,it's JUST a roadkill.When I hear that I hear It's Just someone else's pain ignore it,it's just your pain,deny it,,it's just one of those a-rabs over there when they see torture done at the hands of the militrary represeneting me in a forigen land... How can some humans let themselves be so dead inside,so in denial,so selfish so,,...sociopathic?
When will people realize enabeling the narcissist the bully and sociopath is what will kill us all.Can't people see narcissitic personality problems in all it's variances is what is destryoing any hope for a better future because we have given away our power to them? Narcissists go on taking, recreating traumas and recreating narcissism until they are forced to stop or abandoned. It seems like no one can step up ,change perceptions,weake people up and and stop them because it looks like humanity itself has stockholm syndrome,it's too hurt and confused timid and caught up in thier"morality standards... So it is fighting with one hand tied behind the back?At a disadvantage and how did bullies get the upper hand anyway? The bullshit narcissists do in relationships are what we spend our entire lives getting away from so that we never can get around to questioning the inherent cancerousness in this so called civilized way of life we live??
We have a emotional murderer and sadistic power freak bullymanipulating our very perceptions in the world.And it is among us ,So what can we do to stop it without becoming just like it? Isn't that the crux of the million dollar sociology question of the century?