Author Topic: Parenting matters  (Read 1053 times)


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Parenting matters
« on: January 22, 2008, 02:26:30 PM »


o Approximately 20 percent of white infants are born with the high reactivity pattern that gives rise to the inhibited temperament.

o White babies are generally more reactive than Asian babies.

o Inhibited kids have narrower faces than uninhibited ones. It's known from animal studies that stress hormones in utero inhibit the lateral growth of the upper jaw bone.

o Temperamental patterns of infants can be detected in utero by heart rate measurement.

o Early infant reactivity reflects inherited excitability levels of nerve cells in the amygdala.

o Inhibited kids show higher rates of attention deficit disorder than do noninhibited kids (33 vs. 10 percent).

o Parents of children with behavioral inhibition have significantly higher rates of panic disorder, social phobia, and general childhood and adult anxiety disorders.

Another link:


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Re: Parenting matters
« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2008, 12:12:47 PM »
Over on the "What Helps?" section of this board I have put up something under the heading "Frightening". 

I think it is quite an important topic.
