Dear OC, I am going to dare to offer advise. What I did, I got away from my mother field of actions, magnetism. If I did not come to USA and be on my own I would have never discovered the truth.
So, my advise to you, can you get away from her? Can you start your own business? Can you be independent of her?
Move to another town? Find another job?
It has been very hard for me, I felt like a boat in the middle of the ocean with no lights, all dark, big waves, no radio, it feels so bad. But at the end, for me, it has been ten yeasr away from my family, not NC, just living in a far place, not being involved in her problems, just trying to solve mine, and I think I am improving. Very little, but I do not want to go back there.
So, that is my advise. Hard to do, but not impossible. As long as you are close to her mine field, you are going to step on mines and haev explossions. Like in those movies of second World War.