Author Topic: what just happened?  (Read 3750 times)


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what just happened?
« on: January 09, 2008, 11:16:26 AM »
I said I would come back if something big happened and this week was like an epiphany.

The guy who I felt was stringing me along somewhat last year- creating emotional intensity and always waiting for something to happen, I fronted him up and in my best magnanimous way told him I probably got the wrong end of the stick when he told me he only wants us to be friends- even that he said as 'I wouldn't want anyone to see it as other than that' and I still felt there was some subtext. But I was totally honest and sincere and though it was a little embarrassing- it was fine. I felt relieved to clear the air- it's been getting difficult to serve alongside him with this constant atmosphere which I am hoping will have gone now; if not then I will switch to another part of the church to serve.

If he's N I expect a retaliatory character assassination to follow, but I am giving him the benefit of the doubt, though I was disappointed he didn't take any responsibility for his own behaviour. Just made excuses and said what he thought was wrong with me- and the whole thing came about because the last twice I saw him the first time he made a 'joke' about me blackmailing him; then the next time he said I am passive aggressive- another 'joke' apparently. Someone had said that they weren't serving there anymore because of him, someone who seems balanced and kind, and she said 'you know what he's like' so I paid more attention. He is very quixotic but doesn't acknowledge anything he says or does with reference to how it may be received. Apparently I shouldn't take to heart any of his comments or analyse them...not he should stop making them etc!

I thought I would feel upset or hurt but it was just a relief to step firmly into my own reality and draw up the boundaries.

Then ex.
What a chaotic week he created so far- even his home is chaos.
I've been doing my taxes on son's computer- he responds by buying a new computer and taking two days off to do the installation, switching my computer off.
Son is getting a bit mouthy, last night I shouted at him and ex turned around and yelled at us both as though he was the parent and we were children. When I tackled him about it today he said 'that's what it felt like- having two children in my space!'
Today he said again that he thinks he will lose his job...he often does that when he's mad with me but it doesn't impact me as much now; especially since he said he would stop making the alimony payments if I have someone else- I had taken them as a sincere expression of his wish to redress imbalances in our professional status because we always supported his career more than mine, and as a genuine gesture of remorse and attempt to make amends. We'll see- but his wobbling the ground beneath my feet has meant that finally I got up and went to stand somewhere else.

he attacked that today.
'If you spent more time doing what you should be doing without emotions instead of writing emails to Christians and other nonsense you wouldn't get into such a mess.'

A few nights ago he was sentimental and asked me to come back, his words 'cme home, stupid.'

I have pointed out to him each time he calls me stupid for about a month now, and his face has taken on a number of tics and eye-rolling movements and sneers which I have not seen for ages. He says I stress him out when I ask what's the matter or 'use language wrongly'.

Today I said 'I get it. You don't like me' and he swore blind he does like me, he does love me....he just doesn't like or love any of the things about me!

I feel so blessed to have come to this place ( a phrase I used earlier whcih he says is misuse of language ) where I can see all this clearly, unblinded by emotions.

It's like having a noose removed from my own neck.

The most important thing I have verbalised today is written above:

step firmly into my own reality and draw up the boundaries

My neck aches a little from tension and I feel a bit dazed but I'm going to go walk then spend the rest of the day doing paperwork and chores. I have 2 more days off so I'll be able to alternate downtime and walkign and paperwork. I do see now how ex has always kept emotions running so high around me doing paperwork and admin- but it's his emotions which are out of control not mine, it shouldn't make him so furious if I make a mistake nor should the guy at church misbehave any further- unless it is NPD in which case....won't be able to help it.

I am becoming convinced that personality disorder is mental illness- it's not just behaviour, it's behaviour which changes physiology and neural function. It's no different than any other mental illness- a combination of brain chemistry, managing responses and developing behaviours.

Hope all are well, thanks for reading! I wish I could hug everyone who helped me get to this place ( oops- misused my language again  :) )



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Re: what just happened?
« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2008, 02:18:22 PM »
Lots going on with you, Write.'

Part of your post reminded me of the time my first h told me I was a ____, and he hated _____'s.

I remember really believing that he hated me that time.  I told him he didn't need to say it or show it anymore.... I was convinced and I wanted out of the marriage.  I was calm and the clarity gave me huge energy. 

He'd said it so many ways so many times..... it finally clicked when it wasn't mixed in with the the false love statements.

Oh yes.... he loved me.... just not one thing about me: /

How confusing is that?


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Re: what just happened?
« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2008, 02:25:50 PM »
Place sounds perfectly apt to me, Write.


I'm sorry for all the flap.
So awed by you.

GOOD for you for standing up for yourself in all directions!

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: what just happened?
« Reply #3 on: January 10, 2008, 02:11:23 PM »
Thanks Hops & Lighter.

there's a phrase which keeps coming to me 'persist in good; persist in good.'

But I guess I redefined what 'good' is to include 'good for me too'!

Managing life with a narcissist is hard but not impossible- it's about deciding where to set the boundary I think.
I still let my ex get too close sometimes, and he wobbles my sense of self and reality.

The difference is I am objectively paying attention to that:
at the end of every day I am asking questions- did I spend time in nature today?did I eat well?did I exercise?did I connect with someone?did I do something satisfying?
If there are a lot of nos I know I'm getting off-balance again.

The chaos a N brings can be myriad- others don't understand and even support them in creating confusion; they are manipulative and relentlessly selfish in a way most of us find impossible to accept because we can't think that way.

If you're going to deal with a low-end-spectrum NPD person there's three things to keep in mind constantly I think:

*there's no conscience or G_d concept will hold this person back- if cruelty is the only way they believe in that moment they can maintain their impossible self-image then they will be cruel. It's not personal-they simply don't care on that level.

*everything must be coached in terms of admiration and loyalty- if the person suspects for a minute they don't have your undying attention/support/devotion you are absolutely no use to them in maintaining their fragile self-image and you will be dropped and swept aside. It's not personal- they simply don't care on that level.

*it's all about them. Do not look to the person for any support or reinforcement which does not serve them in some way. They will help or love or be kind only- and this is hard to grasp but it's only ever- in the context of how it makes them look ( to themselves and others ) It's not personal- they simply don't care on that level.

Once I grasped all these things and that there's nothing can really be done I adopted the same kind of functional relationship with ex as I would with someone who has any condition they are not taking care of properly and I don't expect the same things of him or make any demands in the areas he can't function properly.

The hard bit was grieving for the loss of the person I thought I knew, the future I thought we'd one day have, and the pain and distress and chaos he caused me.

Don't marry a narcissist! Don't be friends with a narcissist except as an act of altruism or peace-making within your company or community!

Expect nothing- because that is what you'll get. If you're lucky. If you're unlucky the NPD person will see you as a source of unlimited ways to meet their needs- and just as quickly discard you even if you meet some or all of them when one of your needs turns up. Your needs don't count and more than that- they rob the NPD of energy which they believe is meant to satisfy them, that bottomless pit of self-loathing and unwillingness to face reality. Even if you love an NPD person like an angel and meet their needs selflessly you won't feel good because that will be seem negatively too- what is wrong with this person that he/she loves me, or worse- how far can I push this person until they crack.

I don't think a NPD person really believes in love as a positive thing.

Anyway- these are all the things I tell myself daily.

And yet I still engaged with a new person who showed similar traits....

My therapist would say 'you won't reach your mother by nurturing all these narcissists' but when my mother died- that was my regret, I haven't gotten to turn things around, I never had a relationship with her which worked on ANY level.

I replay all of the above in my head often now, and the passive aggressive traits which disguise so much of it.

Oh yes.... he loved me.... just not one thing about me: /

if love is a mere commodity to fill an emptiness inside someone who believes they themselves are 'the G_d concept' which so many others of us use to fill that hole....any love around NPD is just plugging gaps and managing situations so the Nism doesn't errupt so frequently or so destructively.

NPD is the biggest task I've undertaken in my Christian ministry so far- they are a sore trial and menace to everyone around them and a source of much of the problem and confusion in this world!



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Re: what just happened?
« Reply #4 on: January 10, 2008, 03:38:27 PM »
Static, waiting to be..... that's all I can picture when I try to envision what an N looks like in your life.... any life. 

There's nothing on the outside..... it's an empty hole endlessly gobbling up people and their energy so they feel less empty....

wretched way to live. 

Doubly wretched to grow old and watch themselves, their facade, crumble and deteriorate. 

So hard to set boundaries with people who dogmatically feel entitled to crush them. ::shudder::


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Re: what just happened?
« Reply #5 on: January 10, 2008, 05:34:11 PM »
Dear Lighter, I have choir rehearsal. Have to drive 45 min going and comeing back. After a hard tiring day at the high school. I will post tomorrow.
Thank you for your kind words.


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Re: what just happened?
« Reply #6 on: January 10, 2008, 08:44:01 PM »
Your're welcome, Lupita.

I'm feeling a bit off myself so I'll be back tomorrow too.

Nite all


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Re: what just happened?
« Reply #7 on: January 11, 2008, 11:55:08 AM »
So hard to set boundaries with people who dogmatically feel entitled to crush them. ::shudder::


I don't try as much now- I sidestep a lot of it and just insist when it feels life-threatening.

I've been to the bank to  do some business with ex today, he's been putting it off for months.
Before we left he mocked my accent and said 'let me do all the talking'.
When we got there I know all the tellers and they greeted me enthusiastically, he turned to me and said 'shush! You are so annoying'.
I asked him about it after and suggested he was talking down to me and being unpleasant and controlling, his answer 'well you are so irritatingly cheerful all the time'!

Forgive me for living....

....opps, that's a lot to ask of a NPD!


I cancelled my work tomorrow to sing for a colleague's memorial service, the director there called me and offered me an alternative so I didn't lose the cash.

It was reinforcement that my way of living and treating others does work on a practical level as well as emotional.

Ex has been successful despite some of his behaviour and attitudes but he doesn't see these little successes I have as amounting to much because I don't make mega-bucks or have people sycophantic with me.

We are so far apart now it's not the same library never mind page!


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Re: what just happened?
« Reply #8 on: January 13, 2008, 07:54:43 PM »
So much better to be out of their orbit, if possible, Write.

I like the word  sychophant... haven't heard that used in a while, lol.


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Re: what just happened?
« Reply #9 on: January 14, 2008, 11:35:55 AM »
sycophant is important concept for healing I think- what did Jesus say 'if you love only them that love you how does it benefit you?' Took me years to understand it though- I used to hate anyone who wouldn't be in agreement with me on all things important to me. I've learned more by looking outside myself and realising, oh, I have choices, I don't have to be what others think I am, or even what I think I am....reinventing yourself type-idea! Whenever I think 'oh I just can't....' I check if I'm imprisoned by someone's view of me or my view of myself now!


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Re: what just happened?
« Reply #10 on: January 14, 2008, 01:44:52 PM »
I'm completely resonating with your last post, Write: /
