At a neighborhood barbecue, one man mentioned his wife's irritation with him when he washed a good sweater with the bathroom towels. "Didn't your mother ever teach you how to do laundry?" she'd chided. "No," he replied, "I was under the car learning to change the oil with Dad during Mom's laundry lesson!"With my son, I encouraged him to learn both, which he did, and so, when he left the nest, he was, and is, able to manage his home.
His girlfriend has remarked postively about this, as have others too, to good effect.
My son often remarks that he had super life skills tuition which taught him to stand on his own two feet.
So I must have got something right then!

PS > After all, sorting out ones clothes, and other items, into order, picking them up and placing them into the washer, adding some powder/liquid, closing the door and selecting the correct programme number ~ seems quite simple and straightforward.
And, getting an ironing board out and placing the iron onto the garment, at the correct setting (as guided from the label) ~ seems likewise.