Hello to all of you wonderful folks who responded to my question. I have been checking on this thread and kept letting it run on because I didn't really want to interrupt the momentum or get it off track with a response. You have all given me some great suggestions and I have decided that I am going to therapy. I am continuing to post in the my story section, although I think that will be a long process. This may sound crazy but it almost feels safer to post it here, than having it on paper laying around someplace. I think that I need to start doing some affirmation work again-that is something that I have let slide, I need to start taking better care of myself again as far as diet, exercise, getting some sunshine, doing some fun things now and then, Hermes posted on part of the board a post about rewriting the tapes in our brain and I may work on this along with the affirmations. I am going to ponder a total no contact. It is hard though. I have kept a LOT of distance, but no contact is a whole new ballgame. I think though, that my single and best step so far has been simply finding this board. Right now I am sitting in a clean apartment, my clothes are clean and I am clean. That may not sound like such a big deal, but believe me, IT IS!!! I had gotten to the point where simply the thought of a bath was a bit overwhelming and that was with antidepressants on board. Again, thanks to all of you for the warm welcome, the love, (((HUGS))) concern, interaction and simply sharing your story.