[moved this from Izzy's thread since I thought I shouldn't hijack hers--Carolyn asked about my brother's visit--thanks, CH]
Hi Carolyn,
Oh lord.
It's been a rough couple days.
He's still here.
Threatening me with legal action, trying to shame me over my D's wild ways (he dug up her MySpace page and has clearly read every word she wrote for the last two years...) and hints that I am not a fit custodian of my mother's accounts. My mother has fanned the flames and the two are having a lovely dance. I called my D and told her to make her MySpace page private as her uncle's been all over it, printing out the "shocking" parts, etc.
He seems to think he can intimidate me, hints at invading whatever and whenever he likes.
Basically, he's all of a sudden terribly interested in her wellbeing, but it seems to me that it's kind of timely, now that mom's 97. Where was he for the last 15 years? So I told him how Mom arranged her will, and he said, Oh, seems okay.
He is an N and a pathological liar, so I have no idea if he thinks it's okay or not.
I feel good about one thing. He ordered me: You and I are going to the bank and you're going to put my name on her account. I said, no I am not. He tried again and I said you're not going to bully me, those days are over. No yelling. But I am appalled at how he talked to me, his clueless invasion of my AND my daughter's privacy, and his manipulative duet with my mother.
I swear I believe all of this goes back to him being pissed at me for existing from the moment I was born. And here he is 60, trying to shame, bully and initmidate me as he has all along. Matter of fact, I'm not afraid. But I'm tired.
Once it's over with my mother, I will never have anything to do with him again.