Author Topic: No big difference (gender)  (Read 3472 times)


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No big difference (gender)
« on: January 16, 2008, 07:29:10 AM »


""Media depictions of men and women as fundamentally “different” appear to perpetuate misconceptions – despite the lack of evidence. The resulting “urban legends” of gender difference can affect men and women at work and at home, as parents and as partners. As an example, workplace studies show that women who go against the caring, nurturing feminine stereotype may pay dearly for it when being hired or evaluated. And when it comes to personal relationships, best-selling books and popular magazines often claim that women and men don't get along because they communicate too differently. Hyde suggests instead that men and women stop talking prematurely because they have been led to believe that they can't change supposedly “innate” sex-based traits.


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No big difference (gender)
« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2008, 02:02:10 PM »
Hello Amber:

Well, what I posted is just an excerpt from the article (which can be seen in full on the link).

What is meant by this?  Not sure what you mean.  I think the article purports to point out that there are not such gender differences as we might be led to believe.  Yes?

All the best