Bones, that lady who lived in the house with you, whom I will not even give the dignity of calling your "mother" or "guardian," .......all I can say is SICK, EVIL, DEMENTED, BEYOND BELIEF!
Personally, when people like that pass away, there is a part of me that is relieved and glad about it. The Bible talks about how evil men are not grieved, in the book of Proverbs, I believe. Nobody rejoices when an evil man comes to power. I sure am not rejoicing to know you were put through so much evil and torment in your life! YOU DID NOT DESERVE ANY OF IT!
the monster's comment of "All children are naturally whores so they deserve to be raped!"
OH DEAR GOD! There are no words for what that makes me feel inside. HOW SICK AND EVIL! Lord have mercy!
Your post touched me deeper than I can say. My tears came every time yours did in your story, every time you tried to rise up and were knocked down again, every time you were treated like an object and a defective being.
I am so so soooooooooooooooooooo very sorry for you having to endure ANY of those things. May God reach out with His healing balm and soothe the deepest parts of your heart and being. Love to you and sincere heartfelt blessings of peace.
~Pastor Laura