You are so sweet!
I think that the key to our healing is to "change" our concept of "bad' to 'human". I really do, Belinda. It is SO big--such a huge step. It feels freeing even to talk about it.It feels possible to effect change even by bringing the subject to light. Thank you so much for your honesty,Bean.
When you have a tragedy, what happens is that you have the tragedy on TOP of your already "nutty" things. Then, you have the layers of nuttiness under the tragic present situation.
Boy, do I have layers and I will share them ALL b/c I am desperate. Desperate and "pretty" do not go together(lol).
When I grew up, my M was afraid of illness,b/c she had gotten TB earlier in her life. She iinstilled a fear of illness in me ,which included fear of not sleeping etc.
Last night,I put on Bible tapes and slept.
There are so many levels of fear. I have fear of people , approval, not being good enough, of rejection. I have shame --out the whazoo(lol)
So, I am having to deal with all these fears,which usually stay more dormant.
I have let my H do two things which I should have done with him. I was selfish.I really was.
This feeling "bad " IS what killled my son----- the "voice" in us telling us that we are "bad",in some way. When you have been programmed that way,it feels "real" and normal.
My Aunt does not have this ,in an abnormal way. So, to her, I think in a strange way. To me, she does(lol). However, the fact that she does think, normally, shows me that it CAN be done.We just have to unlock the steps that will allow us to feel that we are human and not 'bad"
Bean, you can learn so much from dogs, can't you?
I will keep writing more on this subject b/c it will kill us if we don't change it. Thanks for all your kind words. Love You, Bean Ami