Hello to everyone:
We can be our own worst critics, and indeed our own worst enemies, sometimes.
http://www.pe2000.com/anger_selfcritic.htm"""Anger & Self Criticism
Many of us are pretty tough on ourselves. We set ourselves such high standards high that even a saint might have difficulty in reaching them! And each time our performance fails to reach these unrealistically high standards we mentally criticise ourselves - with harsh, aggressive self-talk.
Living by their rules
What is often occurring here is that we are living according to other's rules. Over the years, and particularly during our childhood years, we acquire lots of standards or 'rules to live by' from our parents, brothers or sisters, teachers, religious mentors, etc.
And, once acquired, we often accept these rules as being 'the right way' of doing things. We don't subject them to on-going evaluation.
One result of this is that mature adults are often trying to live fulfilling lives with the beliefs and standards of a 6-year old, not because we want to do this but because...
... we have never updated our standards to suit our adult lifestyle.
Get it right!!
So, for example, the childhood lesson to 'get it right every time' that's a pretty tough standard to try to live up to in adult life. As is the lesson: 'if a thing is worth doing it's worth doing right'