I did my taxes Axa- and couldn't believe how easy it was and also- I am $4 off my estimate for the year so very happy to have been accurate.
The fears and insecurities we have around things build up, don't they.
In fact, I'm going to pull out a book later called 'fear of success', I'm feeling a bit wobbly by some negative comments of friends this week.
I have to overcome this wanting everyone to be feeling comfortable all the time...sometimes things are just nothing to do with me yet I feel responsible!
My friend can't get a job...but she doesn't want to hear about my business successes; which was fine, I just didn't talk about it until there was a group of us and someone else said something which clearly annoyed her. I was racking my brains how to respond and in the end I just smiled and said nothing- I can't fix everything, just be loving.
Just do it....like 'get off the computer and do it now'....
Love to all