Dear Write,
Yes, I will offer up this lady in Canada, in prayer.
More importantly, I will cover you in prayer also.
With regard to 'soul connection - intrusion' and, guarding your soul. (or heart, whichever phrase you prefer)
Love, Leah
Why did I immediately respond to this prayer request? Because, in my heart I truly felt led to do so.
Also, with an awareness, my heart wished to pray also, for the recipient of the prayer request. Why? Experience, led me to do so.
My heart has a love for people, unconditional love.
The same love, I hope, that Jesus Christ has for everyone.
Jesus Christ was not a wishy washy man on earth. He spoke firmly, with love, unconditional, for the good, of those in his midst.
The book; In His Steps: "What Would Jesus Do?" by Revd Charles Sheldon, was one of the first books that I purchased as a new believer in Christ.
Awesome fact is, that the recent listing of the Top 10 "Bestselling Non-Fiction Books" as at 2007 ranks this book at No.9
(No.1 is The Bible).
Personally, In His Steps: "What Would Jesus Do?" is best, for me.
To date, I have been led to prevent the loss of lives, at the brink of suicide, merely, sharing, from experience, if I may.
Love, Peace & Joy (((( Everyone ))))
Leah x
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