Author Topic: the comfort of a teddy bear  (Read 5096 times)


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Re: the comfort of a teddy bear
« Reply #30 on: January 29, 2008, 09:57:58 PM »
Dear Lupita,
  You took "Woman Power " pills. Rock On, Girlfriend.                      Love   Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: the comfort of a teddy bear
« Reply #31 on: January 30, 2008, 06:14:54 AM »
Yes!  I second you Ami on what you say.  Lupita is the original bionic woman LOL.

All the best


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Re: the comfort of a teddy bear
« Reply #32 on: January 30, 2008, 06:31:01 PM »
Sad is that I had a "friend" many years ago, who told me all the time, that a man had to give me money, or something, or it was not worth it. Later I knew that she was giving money to her husband. She always made me feel bad because my husband was very unconsiderate to me. Either she was projecting on me, or she wanted me to do what she could not, or she just wanted to ruin me and damage me.
Very difficult.

Any way, I do not know if I asserted my self or I screwed up. My PCP was overcharging me a copayment that was not pertaining and I told the accountant and she said that I have to proved it with my benefits book, and she told me that my account was delinquent. I told her that I had a paper signed from her that she was going to wait for six months before startign asking em fro payments. Also I told her that she did not credited to my account a payment that had done in the past. Instead of looking in her files, she just told me that I had to prove that that payment was not pertinent to what she was crediting to.
So I had to go to my house, get the statement of my isurance company and took it to her in where they show that I was owing less money than she was giving me credit for.
She made another statement and that is it. I said, I do not care now, I will pay you right now the rest so I do not have any more problems with you and I will not come back to this place, becasue, despite that I liked the doctor I did not like the way I was treated by the employees. So I gave her the check and I left and told her that I would never come back there.

So, I lost a good doctor because of a bitch, and I do not know if I asserted my self or I screwed up. I was a good patient, I paid my bills, I compplyed with the odctors orders, I was responsible. I was not apreaciated in any way and was treated badly.

Thye lost a good client.

With the situation like it is now, with so many people with tou insurance and with so maney people in resession, and losing jobs, and inflation, I doubdt that they are having more patients. They should have been more polite with me.

Or so I think.

Any way, after a hard day at work, I praise the Lord because I had a peaceful day at work, hard but with no more than small problems, just inconveniesnts, nothing bad, and I praise the Lord for a hard day f work with out any major events.

Thank you Lord.

Thank you GS, Ami and Hermes ofr your kind words.


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Re: the comfort of a teddy bear
« Reply #33 on: January 31, 2008, 09:47:24 AM »

Perhaps the doctor himself might like to hear about the incident.  Why not send him a note?  I am sure he does not want to lose his patients. 

All the best