Author Topic: My First Post  (Read 3585 times)


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Re: My First Post
« Reply #15 on: January 30, 2008, 10:51:49 AM »
Welcome Violet.I am glad that you are here. You sound like you fit right in, from describing your experience.
 I hope that you keep writing and sharing.            Love , Ami

Thank you so much, Ami.  It does feel wonderful to find others who know what I am feeling who understand.  This is what has made so much of my life such a struggle, just knowing my inward life and thoughts and ways of relating to the world are so completely different from everyone else I meet.  What relief to find this board!  Violet


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Re: My First Post
« Reply #16 on: January 30, 2008, 11:01:38 AM »
Hello Violet,

I too am relatively new here (I was Ann2, but now I’m Ann3).  I love what you wrote, you described the experience of discovering NPD so well:  the shock of discovering NPD, feeling like my life prior to discovering NPD was lived in a dream, an illusion or delusion, in another dimension.  Who was I then?  Who am I now?  How did I get here?  Where do I go now?  Where do I want to go now?  How do I handle people from my pre-discovery life? It’s like waking from a nightmare, so confusing and disorienting.

I also love what Carolyn wrote about foundation shattering revelations, learning to be patient with ourselves, questioning every decision, feeling exhausted, learning that nothing we knew was truly as it seemed and being disoriented.

It’s so good to feel that others feel this way too. I underwent counseling after my divorce and my mother’s death, but my counselor, as good as she was, never mentioned NPD.  I found out about NPD by searching the internet and reading books.  It all seems like a lifetime ago, when I lived in that other dimension, that other world.  Now I feel like I’m living a new life, seeing people differently than I had before.  I bet as you peel away the layers, you will find a new you, but you are definitely there, I can hear it in your voice.

Hi, Ann3, thank you for the encouragement and thoughtfulness.  I live just to feel hope; when it seems far away or nonexistent, I just fold up and want to die.  I sort of felt hopeless yesterday, it was incredibly painful.  Today, I feel like I have found a home of sorts, of like minded, sensitive, beautiful souls.  I think this is such an attractive, serene, golden quality, this genuine caring empathy, which is just flowing in this message board.  It is delightful and intoxicating, this feeling that other people understand!  I have such an overwhelming need for empathy, sort of like how I physically need water.  This is something that has always hurt me so deeply in my FOO, this just NOT caring about others, this cruelty, this cold, sinister lack of empathy.  I am so happy I found this board.  So very happy.... V


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Re: My First Post
« Reply #17 on: January 30, 2008, 12:35:24 PM »
Oh yes I know what you mean Violet.  To always be wrong, shut out and shut down and yet to always be used for your empathy too. 

Recently, I did something I have never done before.  I made an appointment with an intuitive, like Carolyn Myss if you have heard of her? But not her, of course. Though this person was not a medical intuitive.  Anyway, I went into it with an attitude of - I want to seek anything and everything to advance and learn and grow, especially anything that will help me conquer shame, be a better person, be wiser - you know.

Anyway, afterward what I found shocking was that she absolutely saw me.  She experienced me.  It has been a revelation to me because until I experienced it I did not realize how I so rarely experience it.  I was shocked that I was shocked.  Another shocking thing was - I am not so sure that I myself can experience me as straightforwardly as she did.  I found it shocking that for her it is natural to really see people - still haven't gotten over it.  And now I look around my regular environment and its denizens and am shocked how I've come to take for granted the lack of ability to see clearly, or even knowing they are not.  It was amazing to be so seen, but it was disconcerting too.  I think in some ways I have come to rely upon, to be used to, not being seen.  Sort of like shoving all the mess in the closets - usually I don't even think of people noticing the closets....  Sorry to digress - your words about empathy and how nourishing it is (how despaired of!) inspired me to share that recent experience.

I agree there is so much empathy and insight and experience and wisdom here.  Though, and I don't say this to take away from the board at all but to round out the impression, I don't think anyone will disagree with me if I observe - this board can be very turbulent sometimes!  Misunderstandings or the way people who have never been free to go ahead and disagree have a skills deficit in disagreeing (how does one go about it - that's how I feel about myself - lack of skills), sometimes triggered if something expressed here sounds like the kind of things seen in the FOO.  The learning is just incredible, from these things too.  And the knowledge people share of the experience in these areas - it's amazing too.  It's so helpful to listen to people who have the same life learning in this area - like a class for specialists where there are many experts in attendance - and the knowledge is hard won.
Character, which has nothing to do with intellect or skill, can evolve only by increasing our capacity to love, and to become lovable. - Joan Grant