The book is 'What's your sabotage' by Alyce Cornyn-Selby;
the other I am reading is on fear of success- I'll have to check the proper title and details for that.
I do feel physically sick, almost retching today. My work is here in a neat pile with the notes to go off to be overnighted to the performer.
I haven't even told most people about these things I am doing- why bother, they aren't usually pleased for me and since one success tends to lead to another as my sister once said 'havent you don enough?!'
But I haven't, there's still tons left in me yet.
I've never published a book, smaller things but not a book in a bookstore with my name on it...I can imagine how the people around me will react to that, and I'll have to front it all out, pretend I don't mind sarcasm disguising resentment, being blanked or ignored like my family do whenever I write something.
That silence was palpable as a child, being so proud, and trying again and again to get attention and affection and the more I tried the less I got.
This is the last step for me in overcoming the limitations of my childhood- to just be and not be afraid I'll die.
The early neglect from my mother I can't fully remember. I know she was depressed, I know she was pregnant again 9 months later. I know she didn't hold me or pick me up when I cried, and she was trying to feed me on a schedule like a lot of mothers then. I am not smiling on any pictures until I'm a bit older and then only for people outside the family, I was terrified of my mother and her cruelty.
But I know all of this I am feeling as my career takes off and life takes on its own momentum- I am wanting to halt it so that I don't get neglected or destroyed....and they are my baby fears which I don't need to keep now.
As for friendships- well I guess I will find some of them will fail the envy test. People who like and love me when I am poor and sick might not feel the same if I am doing well. I already got quite a lot of negativity when I lost weight and have been subtly self-saboting losing any more as I adjust to the reactions of others about that.
this is the most education I have ever yet received about becoming aware of the box, and maybe one day getting out of it. yes Iphi, it's all pretty unspoken, we're trying to embrace success without any recognition of the emotional cost to our interdependencies!
I'm actually physically shaking in a way I overcame a long time ago performing publically...and I know that a couple of people I care aboutare going to have a hard time if my work suddenly starts getting completed and published.
I really need this though for the practicality of my life- I have to earn more money!
Maybe that's why we focus so much on the money- it does feel better to say that than 'I have to put all my ideas out there and let the world know what's going on inside me...'

I'm laughing- what am I so terrified of, except as Hops reminded me 'the ectoplasmic elephants in the corners of the rooms....'