I have an Nmom and sister and have recently had a successful pregnancy from in-vitro. Its so bizarre, my husband is pressuring me to tell them, but I am terrified to do so, as if the babies will get cursed. After my mom dropped me from therapy (I posted here a long time ago about how she tried to sabotage my wedding by doing this 2 days before in a nasty note, in an attempt to "check mate" my decisions), I haven't spoken to her. She was calling me as if nothing was wrong, but I was saying therapy or no contact. She then stated she had the right to call me whenever and as much as she wanted despite what I said. It got to the point where I had to threaten a restraining order. She laughed at me at first, told me I didn't know what I was talking about, but I stayed firm, and now she hasn't called and there is no contact.
With my sister, she pulled some bullying stuff at her own weddding in October. I have hit this wall where its NO MORE ABUSE, so after she accused me of trying to sabotage her wedding because I was not talking to our mother (swearing at me and telling me I hate her etc.), when she called back asking me to lunch, stating "words were said' and we should "get over it", I had the same tone. In a therapist's office only until things were worked out. So now she hasn't called me since either.
My dad sort of believes my stories of childhood but plays things both ways as a peacemaker. He is also pressuring me to call these 2 and tell them the news. Frankly, I don't want to. Why the hell should I? However, there is a little part of me that feels like a dysfunctional freak. Like I should be the stronger or bigger person. But its just too tough. I don't even want them near the birth. Thanks for letting me vent.
O/T, kind of...my husband is not a narcissist, but now that it is twins, he is pressuring me to get an abortion (of one, we have no kids). So this is a really stressful time for me. When I was freaking out and sobbing he backed off, but it is starting again. He makes 6 figures, but doesn't want to "give up" his "lifestyle". I keep telling myself God is giving me what I can handle, but damn....Its like you try to skirt issues and they just come back in new outfits! Another bully!