Author Topic: Narcissist ....... Caricature ....... forever Changing  (Read 2433 times)


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Narcissist ....... Caricature ....... forever Changing
« on: December 31, 2007, 08:59:51 PM »
The Narcissist's Strange Relationship to the World Around Her

A narcissist has no proper relationship with herself. She unknows the self inside and identifies with something external, her projected image, instead. Hence, NPD has often been called a "disorder of the self."

Now THAT'S a pretty important relationship to foul up. If you don't relate to yourself, how can you relate to anyone else?

Narcissists don't. They relate to other human beings as objects. You know - objects, things to use and ab-use for self-serving purposes. Things that have no rights, no right to be even. Things that have no feelings. Tools.

Until that fact sinks in, you just don't "get" malignant narcissism. You keep acting on the premise that the narcissist has some feelings for you, some conscience. And that premise is all wrong. Based on it, nothing makes sense. Hence you keep pinching yourself and wondering whether it's you or the N that is crazy.

The more I see, the more impressed I am by how a narcissist relates to the world around her. These are just my observations, but they are based on a lifetime of experiences fit together like the pieces of a puzzle - for what that's worth.

It's like she goes around with an artist's pallet and paintbrush in hand, painting over reality here and there, almost whimsically and on the fly, to make it more to her fancy or liking.

I think this is a lot like little children do as their minds and personalities begin to take shape. Their mind becomes a playground. They discover how it can be used to "alter" any reality they don't like. They tend to get carried away in flights of the imagination like Alice in the Looking Glass Room.

To us in the real world, the world Alice is in there behind the Looking Glass looks like this one. But beyond the edges of the glass (our look into her life) nothing is the same as in the real world. (More on this in the book.) In fact, Alice says that it's as different as can be.

She made it that way in flights of reckless fancy, often on a whim, just to make her world more interesting and exciting than the real world.

This reminds one of all the reckless experimentation with LSD and other mind-altering drugs, especially during the 1970's.

Fortunately, children normally attain the Age of Reason, when they develop a preference for truth and reality. Partly, they learn to fear the terrible power of the mind to alter perception and delude itself. Partly, they want to grow up and live in the real world like older kids and adults do.

They still daydream and take off on flights of the imagination. But they clearly distinguish between dreams and reality now. For example, they won't insist that you set a place for their imaginary friend at the table anymore.

The more I see, the more I suspect that narcissists never really made it to that point. From time to time they will say something that betrays their presence in some strange other world.

Ms. Painter does the same thing with the people in her world. She paints over them to make a work of art of them, one more to her liking. In doing so, she reduces them to caricatures. Pay close attention to the way she talks about others, and you will see that.

I am constantly struck by how similar these characterizations are to those of a novelist. In a novel, you don't want your secondary characters and minor characters to distract attention from the main characters, so you deliberately draw what we call "flat" characterizations of them. Caricatures. Often called "cartoons," because they have no depth.

To keep them from being bland and boring, you spice up the hero's sidekick with some eccentricity that makes him entertaining. In fact, in novels where attention is on the plot or whodunit, even the main character (e.g., Inspector Poirot) may be little more than a cartoon with some entertaining idiosyncrasies.

Notice that this is what a narcissist makes of the people she talks about. They aren't people; they are characters. There's a difference, you know. They aren't even realistic characters with depth; they are cartoons, caricatures.

She may describe a person as a "Kris Kringle" one day and as a "b****-slapper" the next though.

Because she is an artist, you see, CREATING and EDITING these cartoons on the whims of fancy, reducing human beings to them.

If you ask her about these people, you will find that she actually knows nothing about their character. How could she? She gets 100% of their attention without giving back any of hers. So, how could she have noticed anything about their real character?

All have but bit parts in an autobiographical work of fiction that is all about her.

Of course the narcissist is shallow too. How could she not be shallow? She doesn't identify with the real person inside; she identifies with the image she paints of herself. Another mere character, not a real person.

This is why a narcissist will be a ------- one day and a -------- the next. She is just another character she creates. So, she can change that character any time the story isn't going the way she wants.

And she does everything possible to make the world reflect her fantasy. Her fantasy about you. (Through character assassination.) Her fantasy about the past. (By pathological lying.) Her fantasy about herself. (In con artistry.) She couldn't possibly have greater contempt for truth.

My goodness, how accurate, regarding my NM and Nsister, sadly.

« Last Edit: February 05, 2008, 02:43:18 PM by LeahsRainbow »
Jun 2006 voiceless seeking

April 2008 - "The Gaslight Effect" How to Spot & Survive by Dr. Robin Stern - freedom of understanding!

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Certain Hope

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Re: WOW Just found this ...... (dated Sunday, December 30, 2007)
« Reply #1 on: December 31, 2007, 09:10:46 PM »

(((((((Leah))))))) thank you.

I am saving this for keeps.


P.S.  A caricature. That is exactly how I have always felt with my parents and brother... with npd ex... and on other occasions, when people try to flatten me out to fit into their scheme of things. No more.


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Re: WOW Just found this ...... (dated Sunday, December 30, 2007)
« Reply #2 on: December 31, 2007, 09:18:50 PM »
This is why a narcissist will be a ------- one day and a -------- the next. She is just another character she creates. So, she can change that character any time the story isn't going the way she wants.

This excellent post describes my daughter very well.

She can go from just chit chatting happily, laughing at a funny tv show, to, in moments, telling me "I don't have to listen to you.  You'll be the FIRST to leave, not me"  and then, once her father comes home from work, "What?  What are you talking about, mom?  I never said those things.  Dad, mom must be trippin.  Did I, Randi?  I didn't say anything like that."  (Randi, the avoidant one, will say "I dunno.  I wasn't payin attention")

And she does everything possible to make the world reflect her fantasy. Her fantasy about you. (Through character assassination.) Her fantasy about the past. (By pathological lying.) Her fantasy about herself. (In con artistry.) She couldn't possibly have greater contempt for truth.

yep, she does.  Anna's fantasy is that she is married to her boyfriend and they are going to have this wonderful, perfect marriage where he treats her like his queen and is the perfect father.  Only one possible flaw here.  Her boyfriend's family are alcoholics, although her bf doesn't drink.  They swear, do not have a relationship with God, have turned bf into the golden boy...

Anna's fantasy about ME is that I should be punished in some way for leaving her in the past, that somehow I can just disappear and she can have my husband to herself, that I am a terrible, abusive, cruel mother (never was that to her...she was the one who dug my skin with her nails, bit me, screamed at the top of her lungs, every year till she was about 4 yrs old.)

She IS a pathological liar and a thief at times.  She is a great con artist, having convinced her boyfriend's mother that I said all manner of nasty things about her that wasn't true (before I had even met the lady)

I do NOT hate my daughter but she will tell people that I do.  She has made me out to be a monster that I'm just not.


Certain Hope

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Re: WOW Just found this ...... (dated Sunday, December 30, 2007)
« Reply #3 on: December 31, 2007, 09:22:04 PM »
I've been reading some other entries at the site....

Excerpt: (Re: Shame and guilt as the goad of the N...)

This is because people think they have to do it again tomorrow to prove it wasn't wrong and stupid when they did it yesterday. 'Well, did that prove it? Maybe not. Maybe I should do it again WORSE tomorrow and see what happens.'

And so, like serial killers, they keep pushing the envelope. They get worse and worse, giddy with what they discover they can get away with. If you get on that runaway freight-train ride, you DO become ill, in every sense of the word, including ill-willed.

And if you relentlessly twist your thinking, you WILL warp your mind. The mind needs to be taken care of like the body. If you abuse it to make it believe absurdities, it won't work right.

Thank you so much again for this, Leah... I'd lost track of this site way back and am so glad for the reminder.


P.S.  and another:   Remember that narcissists do everything FOR EFFECT, not because it's a true expression of their thoughts and feelings. Never forget that it's ALL just an act. Every smile. Every frown. Every word. It's an act designed to manipulate a certain type of response from you (their mirror). For example, they will be a Democrat one minute and a Republican the next if it suits their purpose. Their rages are often just put-ons to intimidate and steer your behavior into the direction they want. It's not real. Yes, they may work themselves up into a fine fury, but it's artificial, so a minute later they've forgotten about it.
« Last Edit: December 31, 2007, 09:25:49 PM by Certain Hope »


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Re: WOW Just found this ...... (dated Sunday, December 30, 2007)
« Reply #4 on: December 31, 2007, 09:35:28 PM »
Hi Carolyn,

Yes, that's so true.

It's all forgotten about ...... by them ...

..... as they giddily drive their runaway freight-train onwards to the next stage ....

...leaving the pile of bodies behind them.


Love, Leah
Jun 2006 voiceless seeking

April 2008 - "The Gaslight Effect" How to Spot & Survive by Dr. Robin Stern - freedom of understanding!

The Truth About Abuse VIDEO

Certain Hope

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Re: WOW Just found this ...... (dated Sunday, December 30, 2007)
« Reply #5 on: December 31, 2007, 09:39:06 PM »
Dear Leah,

I'm sure glad we've gotten off that train!



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Re: WOW Just found this ...... (dated Sunday, December 30, 2007)
« Reply #6 on: December 31, 2007, 09:43:06 PM »
Dear Carolyn,



Jun 2006 voiceless seeking

April 2008 - "The Gaslight Effect" How to Spot & Survive by Dr. Robin Stern - freedom of understanding!

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Re: Narcissist ...She's an Artist .... Caricature ....... forever Changing
« Reply #7 on: February 05, 2008, 12:51:55 PM »
Of course the narcissist is shallow too. How could she not be shallow? She doesn't identify with the real person inside; she identifies with the image she paints of herself. Another mere character, not a real person.

This is why a narcissist will be a ------- one day and a -------- the next. She is just another character she creates. So, she can change that character any time the story isn't going the way she wants.

And she does everything possible to make the world reflect her fantasy. Her fantasy about you. (Through character assassination.) Her fantasy about the past. (By pathological lying.) Her fantasy about herself. (In con artistry.) She couldn't possibly have greater contempt for truth.

Just read this thread again, as this also, has been a true life saver, with affirming validation, and enlightenment.

Along with Shame Dumping by a Projectionist, this too, I must retain, as a life guide reference.

Was always a puzzle to me in life, why, one day (or one minute even!!!)  the person would be or say XYZ

and in the next breath as it were ....... the total opposite!!!!

Jun 2006 voiceless seeking

April 2008 - "The Gaslight Effect" How to Spot & Survive by Dr. Robin Stern - freedom of understanding!

The Truth About Abuse VIDEO


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Re: WOW Just found this ...... (dated Sunday, December 30, 2007)
« Reply #8 on: February 05, 2008, 12:57:17 PM »

This was very validating for me in regards to my N Saint Therapist. You know I just found out that she does not even have a MFCC licence -- she always gave me the impression that she was a grief counselor because she worked at a grief counseling center and said that she had 8 years experience with grief counseling. I thought she was a therapist, she knew that I thought that about her, at least on some level, but  she never corrected me in my assumption -- that was a part of her image projection. She was an associate social worker, not even a full one, she never told me that either.

As I was reading this post Leah the N saint kept flashing to my mind -- She was so caught up in her personal agendas to create a following of people to surround herself with (for N supply) using the guise of a prayer ministry. However, I actually think that she had a good heart and good intentions but that she is just not awake to her own narcissism. She is and had been able to fool so many for so long and the moment someone catches a glimpse, like me, she unconsciously moves on from them or dismisses them with justification.

A couple of years ago, when the pain of my fathers abandonment was resurfacing, I reached out to her for some compassion as I was moving through the layers of pain. She never acknowledged my feelings or pain, which I found odd. I made excuses for her to myself in order to rationalize my gut feelings. As I was expressing my pain  to her she started lecturing me on the need to forgive my father and release his soul. She kept talking about my father's pain emphasizing about his feelings. Not once did she ever make a single reference to my pain and my loss of his presence in my life from the time he left at age 3 until I was in my twenties.

When I asked her about it, why she lacked empathy for my grief, she justified herself with a shallow "oops, OK, I know I have grief training." But never still did she acknowledge my pain. That was when I politely told her that I found a new therapist and that I wanted to work with her.

But then the story goes that I had to work with N saint again this summer, that is when she dismissed me as the pain of my mom's abandonment was surfacing AGAIN, on a much deeper level. Can you imagine, having that pain of abandonment and your own therapist dismisses you telling you that you are intense? 

At this time I am still working towards forgiveness for N saint T -- My anger has softened a bit, the more I can hash and rehash the more clear I get from the confusion still left in me from her poisoning of her projection of herself on to me. Can you imagine having a therapist who you are relying on to see you and help you see yourself who is blinded by her own hated self? -- The mass of confusion I lived in!!

Thanks (((Leah)))
« Last Edit: February 05, 2008, 02:25:50 PM by Gabben »


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Re: Narcissist .......... Caricature ....... forever Changing
« Reply #9 on: February 05, 2008, 02:20:03 PM »

Dear Amber,

For the purpose of Clarity

No, the mention of an artist is not literal, with paint box and easel.

As is my understanding.  Have removed the word 'artist' for you.

Love, Leah
Jun 2006 voiceless seeking

April 2008 - "The Gaslight Effect" How to Spot & Survive by Dr. Robin Stern - freedom of understanding!

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Re: Narcissist ....... Caricature ....... forever Changing
« Reply #10 on: February 05, 2008, 07:36:26 PM »
One more thing here pertaining to this thread and our issues, Leah --

This thread was old, you brought it back up just yesterday from the archives.

And, just yesterday I posted the thread "Bigger Picture" that began with my saying:

It occurred to me that I may give out more a picture of pain, problems and sufferings to the board about my life than I share the good of my life and the progress.

Then you went and changed the name of this thread to "Narcissist....Artist....forever Changing"

Referencing from the article:

"she identifies with the image she paints of herself. Another mere character, not a real person.

This is why a narcissist will be a ------- one day and a -------- the next. She is just another character she creates. So, she can change that character any time the story isn't going the way she wants."

I mean is it just coincidence, or are you always following me trying to tell me something, Leah? 

Do you think I am an narcissist?

If so -- feel free will not bother me anymore -- I am giving up the story.

I could care less what others think of me making these accusations. I know and see what you are up to here on the board and I am sick of reading posts with you trying to tell everyone or get everyone to see erroneously that I am an N.

May you wake up - gently -- the truth will always come out, in the end, Leah -- May God bless you.

« Last Edit: February 05, 2008, 07:41:16 PM by Gabben »


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Re: Narcissist ....... Caricature ....... forever Changing
« Reply #11 on: February 06, 2008, 11:16:50 AM »
February 1st  2008 ......Lise, THERE IS NO PAST ..... there are NO Issues, as far as I am concerned ...... Forgiven and FORGOTTEN, was and is, my choice.   Leah x

Thank you Dr. Grossman.

My apologies Leah -- I was wrong.

I am sorry that my suspicion regarding the unknown poster was wrong and that it caused you pain. I never want to hurt you again.


Thank you Dr. Grossman.

My apologies Leah -- I was wrong.

I am sorry that my suspicion regarding the unknown poster was wrong and that it caused you pain. I never want to hurt you again.


Dear Lise,

Your apology is sincerely accepted, and I am crying, tears of joy, for answered prayer, that I have waited for, for so long, which is a teaching in itself, as in, to be still and wait upon the Lord.  Which I know you will understand.

Please, let's put everything behind us, and move onwards, afresh, as we both love God, and are His.

It's the only way I know, that is peaceful.

All I ask, is that if in future, I unknowingly post something that is a trigger (after learning today what a trigger is, and does) just please let me know that it is a trigger, and don't think that I have done it on purpose, as I would never do that, in all honesty, with sincerity.

I do make mistakes, as I am imperfect, always have been, and always will be.

Love, Leah

February 1st  2008 ......Lise, THERE IS NO PAST as far as I am concerned ...... Forgiven and FORGOTTEN, was and is, my choice.   Hence, There are NO Issues. 

In all honesty, there is nothing that I can now do, or say, as the fact is, the truth is, that your Emotions and Reactions, are your in ownership, alone.

However, I really would have liked to have been able to engage in a discussion with you regarding the betrayal of trust that you suffered at the hands of your N Saint Therapist life experience, which you had shared with us all on the board last year, and I do recall the painful experience that you endured.  But, that was not possible, as I had to deal with the other thread first and foremost, then you posted here.

Sorry to have to say this, but it is the truth, your reactionary postings, are becoming detrimental to my life journey, and my emotional well being.

I have a bill of rights, the same as every other human being, and also, I have a personal responsibility for my own emotional health and well being.

Therefore, I am locking this recent thread (Jan 2008)

Every genuine good wish with your healing journey, sincerely. 

Leah x  Emotional Boundaries
« Last Edit: February 06, 2008, 01:09:25 PM by LeahsRainbow »
Jun 2006 voiceless seeking

April 2008 - "The Gaslight Effect" How to Spot & Survive by Dr. Robin Stern - freedom of understanding!

The Truth About Abuse VIDEO