Dear Lise,
I can relate to your statement about our emotions being rejected and we have a sense of shame.I wear shame like a coat. I have made inroads in to letting some of it go. However, there is still way too much there.
It is very deep and resistant to change.
I am trying to be more real with people and to try to stay in my "core", as an exercise to dispel shame. You would not believe ALL the people who shared about having depression, after Scott died.
*I* was trying to be so "perfect" so people would like me, that I was pushing away people. As I "force" myself to be "real", I connect and find that I am not alone, after all.
My neighbor,in the cashmere sweater with pearls and high heels(lol) is the perfect example. She had it all and she understood all that I was going through,as if she was a member of the board. My M was wrong when she told me that there WERE perfect people. Oh , the lessons you have to "unlearn" when you have an NM--gobs of lessons.
So, now I am trying to unlearn them: to see life with my own eyes,not hers .
That is my current goal. Her lens screwed me up, royally. My own sight will have to be better than that. I think that my own perceptions are ,actually ,good. Ami