at the Ash Wednesday service tonight they spoke about fasting being symbolic for giving up anything which could be cathartic to take a break from.
I am going to try- fantasising. I know it sounds weird, but I think sometimes my intense fantasy has lead to me thinking I was more involved in relationships than I was or other reality distortions. It's quite a comfort habit, I have day-dreamed from a child. Tomorrow can be my Day 1! It's liek a symbolic starting-over and 'repenting' for many christians, I'm not so sure I accept the traditional interpretations of Lent and Holy week but it feels right to fast from this.
Come away,
Make no delay.
Summon all the dust to rise,
Till it stirre, and rubbe the eyes;
While this member jogs the other,
Each one whispring, Live you brother?
~George Herbert