Hi all,
Going through a divorce with an N. Have kids. N was abusive to me - as Ns are, mostly emotionally (humiliation, controlling, demeaning, physically and otherwise mentally absent), and then also physically - throwing things at me, hands around the throat, punch in the arm, etc.) Would not control temper in front of the kids - no empathy - kids would cry when he got violent towards things and when he yelled loudly at me in front of them. N husband would not stop even then. Never around for kids. Neglectful and dangerous for them - would leave dangerous things out, etc. Would chastise me when I tried to be safe. Not too safe in general. i.e. drinking and driving in the past - got arrested for this. Encouraging kids to run around pools, play dangerously while on bikes and playgrounds, etc. T.V. always on when with them, would not feed them until cleaned house, etc. Would not let me feed them when they were babies if he wanted me to help him with something - until we were done, etc.
We will be negotiating custody and i"m scared at his influence on them. The humiliation of them, the controlling, the lack of real empathy or even true interest beyond them being extensions of him, and their safety. But, I don't want to leave them without a dad. I think, "Who am I to decide they can't see their dad?" and, "How can I take away their dad?" And, "Maybe their dad won't treat them the way he treated me." And, "Maybe he's learned and now that we're getting divorced, and he can't see them that much, he truly appreciates them now." And, "Maybe he won't influcence them too much and maybe he can provide some good qualities for them." And then i think, "Who am I to do this? I'm their only source of protection. It's my job to protect them, and this means also from their dad, bc I know what he can do to people - I was able to get out, to survive, to defend myself, but children are not." And, "He's this way in part bc of his N mom, and my kids run the risk of becoming just like him bc of their N parent (dad)." It's so hard struggling btwn protecting the kids and not taking away their dad. I'm free now, but I'm facing this decision - maybe even harder than the decision to leave, bc cutting their dad out or significantly limiting his visitation could be taking their dad away. Any advice would be so helpful! Thank you.