my point Leah is you started a thread on can a religious person be a verbal abuser- no, when i pointed out some of the issues around that argument you left a post addressed to me saying 'that is incorrect' and then immediately chose to give everyone closure by saying 'by their fruits shall you know them'.
I don't know what your personal reasons are for closing the thread- and I apologise if anything is painful to you because of something tactless I write, it would not be my intention to hurt anyone, ever.
But this is exactly how 'spiritual abuse' happens- someone decides what is best in religion for a whole lot of other people and becomes increasingly concerned with giving it to them and having them receive it.
Several discussions have happened during the time I have been around in this community ( Portia was a long-term member a couple of years back ) which started as open or intellectual discussions around faith and religious issues and ended up as polarised personal views attempting to proselytise one's own position as 'the way'.
And that is exactly where I feel strongly about what is abuse in this- because our view is only our view, what is right for me is not going to be right for another, and one representation even of the same religion is not going to match another. Some people are life-long seekers, others seize a truth and march with it....
Maybe that's the way this G_d thing works- we are all to some degree right, we are all to some degree wrong, and there is balance.
Some religions have gotten way off-balance with this notion that others can happily be converted forcefully or that what is being taught is perfection.
But whatever our beliefs and experience abuse is taking self-determination power away from someone else for whatever reason. Spiritual growth and closure is not something we can give to another Leah, they have to do that for themselves. Ergo my writing this perhaps...

Take care,