You know, the only thing that hurts is 'truth". If s/one called me some name that was not me,at all, it would not hurt. A name only hurts ,if you believe it, yourself.
Well, of course ,it was my fault and my H's fault that my son committed suicide. It is a taboo to say it,but it IS true. Who else's fault could it be?This IS truth,not platitudes.
This type of truth is like prejudice. We,all have it,but we can never "say" it, or we must say it,in hushed tones.
Of course,I judge myself and I should.
Ann prayed with me to leave my judgement with God. I did that,but of course, I am human and take it back, although I shouldn't.
So, with everything, truth will set you free. I am at fault and I should be judged , I AM judged and I judge myself.I have judged many people,in similar circumstances. That is the truth, no matter how harsh it sounds.It is simply the truth.
You shall know the truth and the truth will make you free.
The second truth is that God forgives us, so no man has a place to do otherwise.