Dear Ami,
So glad Ann kindly read out the characteristics of an abused woman to you. It's such a great help having a one-to-one discussion on such a huge subject. It certainly helped me, a few years ago now, having someone sit with me with a descriptive chart, it took my breathe away at the time, the reality of what was real, as in what was really happening and had happened, to me. I had been made INVALID as a person.
Don't know if you have had a chance to read this;
Psychological INVALIDATION is one of the most lethal forms of Emotional Abuse. It destroys confidence, creativity and individuality.
Telling a person she shouldn't feel the way she does feel is akin to telling water it shouldn't be wet, grass it shouldn't be green, or rocks they shouldn't be hard. Each persons's feelings are real. Whether we like or understand someone's feelings, they are still real. Rejecting feelings is rejecting reality; it is to fight nature and may be called a crime against nature, "psychological murder", or "soul murder." Considering that trying to fight feelings, rather than accept them, is trying to fight all of nature, you can see why it is so frustrating, draining and futile.
A good guideline is:
We regularly invalidate others because we ourselves were, and are often invalidated, so it has become habitual.
Below are a few of the many ways we are INVALIDATED:
· We are told we shouldn't feel the way we feel
· We are dictated not to feel the way we feel
· We are told we are too sensitive, too "dramatic"
· We are ignored
· We are judged
· We are led to believe there is something wrong with us for feeling how we feel
I found out that an abused person has been Invalidated, just as I was, and just as you are right now. The N's in our life Invalidated us.
Restoration is;
becoming Validated as a person -- which is part of the healing and being made whole -- digging in and finding one's authentic self.
When that work is done, then, our inner core self, our heart, our soul -- cannot be invalidated again.
Just felt led to share of my experience, as an abused woman, who has travelled along the hard lonely journey path of healing and being, valid again.
Love to you, Ami
You don't realize how your current strength and courage, in your present situation, is such an encouragement to so many.
Your perseverence and determination, with your obvious trust and leaning in God, will bring forth your hearts desire -- healing.
Leah x