My thoughts as a non-poster/long-term regular reader,
It seems to me that there's a lot more 'victimhood' than 'voicelessness' on this (now) christian dominated forum. Also there seems to be a serious amount of baiting and aggression from (supposed) christian recoverers, under the guise of growth and 'practice for the real world' here.
The idea that it's okay to over-react, offend and fight here!!! is a little bit self-absorbed, I think anyway. The excuse I so often read is that (supposedly???) it enables/prepares us for dealing in the real world. That sounds very N to me, and just a bit... no no ... so very self-absorbed. I think most of us are real, and from the real world.
Goes like this... "Oh good, now I have somewhere I can blow off steam, bully, be insensitive, and I don't have to care about how it affects the receiver/blowee."
Who does that sound like?
What about the other party who is here because they're in the exact same boat as you? They're just like you. They're here too because life's just not so great for them either. Or they wouldn't be here! They're voiceless/recovering/searching persons too, who're simply seeking recovery and hopefully???? support... just like you?
I wonder if it's too much to ask on a forum designed to recognise and deal with voicelessness issues resulting from N'ism, to think about the other party's feelings when you feel to express/post a different opinion??? And think with your heart (think non-N) of the feelings of the one you think has triggered you, or you're accusing/attacking or reacting to?
I still quite enjoy reading here at this forum, but I must say it's changed over the years. It seems to me to be so much more about victimhood now than ever before. And very much less about true voicelessness.
It also almost reads as a victim race sometimes. The rules seem to be that the one who has the worst story of victimhood has the greater right to inflict insult and injury on other members.
And why is it that with religion, and especially christianity, comes intolerance? I've noticed that here too. And this bizzare christian desire that their enemies will burn in hell? That's not very loving and forgiving, is it? That's another of my humble observations and confusions.
‘With or without religion, good people can behave well and bad people can do evil; but for good people to do evil – that takes religion.’ - Steven Weinberg
I wonder if in recovery, and having decided on being a victim no more, if we can be different to the N's in our lives.
I wonder if we can be different in our relating to one another, different to the one's who affected our development, and I wonder if we can make a decision, no matter what, to be kind to each other regardless, realising we're not there yet either. With or without a God to tell us we 'MUST" be kind.
Kindest regards to all.