Hi Hops,
This is such a good subject. I certainly feel too comfortable for it to feel comfortable with my general unhappiness and fish out of water malaise. Yesterday I went to see my GP to review my prescriptions mostly, He is a real prince. So he asked how I was doing. I said, "Well, let's just say I'm exhausted. That may tell you nothing or it may tell you everything." Jokingly, he said, You fixed that when you ran away from home didn't you? He was referring to the month I took off over the holidays. I said, "That was a good start, it just wasn't long enough". Then seriously he said, You're suffering from classic burn out. I already knew what the cure was - rest, diet, and exercise. He confirmed that and said that to exercise when I feel the least like doing it was what was called for. I know he's right, but I keep thinking, "Oh, if I can just rest a little longer"!
Anyway, today I'm cleaning the house, moving furniture kind of cleaning, for exercise for I can't stand gyms and regimented activities. Somehow or other I don't think I'll feel significantly happier when I finish...
Love to you and Ma,