The comic books we were exposed to were really dark ones, lol.... my Grandparent's let us buy whatever we wanted over summer holiday's stay with them.
0ther than that we had romper room and the headless horseman and the easter bunny......
Dark Shadows was my favorite tv program.
Jeez... I guess I'm dating myself here, lol.
So... if you asked me when I was a child, I prolly would have said Vampirella..... bc she was the only female character.
All the others were zombies and downed skeletal fighter pilot or slow mishapen science experiements gone wrong: /
If you ask me now? I'd say I'd like to be...... hmmmmm.
I don't think I'd like to be any of them, really.
Maybe Poison Ivy, but with Charlotte's (of the web) common sense and Wonder Woman's drive to do good acts in the world.
I guess I could have said Wonder Woman but..... then you'd picture me working for the justice system... rounding up bad guys and handing them over to the, supposed, good guys.
I don't much care for ithe justice system right now so..... I can picture Poison Ivy mopping up the bad guys in the system and righting some wrongs done by people in positions of authority. Cleaning house and setting some of the unfair rules straight. ::nod::
Ya, that's it.
And I look good in green, lol.