Author Topic: If you were a famous character from children's book, catoon, Who would you be?  (Read 4916 times)


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Lollie, thanks.  Yes my bell has been rung!

no it wasnt Harriet the Spy.  It wasn't a popular book, I got it from the school library and read the whole thing at once when home with the flu.

thanks though.


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Tom and Jerry were always fighting, bat on heads, braking legs,  yikes, Popeye always bitting Brutus, the Coyote and the Bip bip, roadrunner, so much violence!!!!!

I hate cartoons. Sorry.


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"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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who's Wilbur?  Charlotte's web?


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The comic books we were exposed to were really dark ones, lol.... my Grandparent's let us buy whatever we wanted over summer holiday's stay with them.   

0ther than that we had romper room and the headless horseman and the easter bunny......

Dark Shadows was my favorite tv program. 

Jeez... I guess I'm dating myself here, lol.

So... if you asked me when I was a child, I prolly would have said Vampirella..... bc she was the only female character. 

All the others were zombies and downed skeletal fighter pilot or slow mishapen science experiements gone wrong: /

If you ask me now?  I'd say I'd like to be...... hmmmmm.   

I don't think I'd like to be any of them, really. 

Maybe Poison Ivy, but with Charlotte's (of the web) common sense and Wonder Woman's drive to do good acts in the world.

I guess I could have said Wonder Woman but..... then you'd picture me working for the justice system... rounding up bad guys and handing them over to the, supposed, good guys.
I don't much care for ithe justice system right now so..... I can picture Poison Ivy mopping up the bad guys in the system and righting some wrongs done by people in positions of authority.  Cleaning house and setting some of the unfair rules straight.  ::nod::

Ya, that's it.

And I look good in green, lol.


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I remember Vampirella VERY WELL!  I have some of the old cover art on my home PC.

She and Poison Ivy are SEXXAY..and no shrinking violets!



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Yup yup yup..... that's the Vampirella I remember too, lol.


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oh well, I'll reveal some of my not-so-goodness...I found them all sexxay way back then, I still find them sexy now...not the goth boys and girls so much, as the uber masculine, uber-assertive, dangerous, familiar-with-the-darkside types.

HOWEVER (oh please make sure I get to include this qualifier)...I lust after them from afar now after having been nearly destroyed by one such N.


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I liked the Frodo Baggins trilogy too, lol.

The movies were amazing.

I guess I'd be the Elf Queen if I had to choose there.  She could see the future and she was very very scary when she wanted to be.  I guess I yearn for the ability to defend myself..... have always yearned for that, though my nature is nurturing and protective.

When my husband choked me.... I couldn't have defended myself.... after all those years of learning how to cause physical trauma..... I couldn't hurt someone I love, even if he was going to kill me.

That's a weakness, IMO.

A character flaw.

Does nothing for me, in the scheme of "survival of the fittest" real world life.

Did you read the Hobbit in highschool?



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Yup...Wilbur the little pig who so wanted a friend.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Hopalong  :) :) :)

have you found many?


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Thanks for asking, DM...yes, I do have good friends.

But I'm still lonely. I'd like a mate.

I am very affectionate, have noone to touch much. Haven't made love in over 3 years. (Don't miss HIM, though!)

This is a chapter in which my long isolation of 10 years as my Nmother's live-in caregiver may be slowwwly coming to an end. I find myself feeling a little berserk now and then.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Aww, Hops... I say we have a ritual to send those wishes into the universe.

Make a list of the most important things you want in a mate.....


Even the smallest things are important.

Then we'll meet in the circle under a new moon.... light the fire.... and dance.

Of course, that's exactly what I did before I met my H: /

Can't say enought about being specific on that list; )


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oh, what was it I just saw or heard over the weekend about making your romantic wishlist, the 100 things you wanted in your next mate, even down to the colour of his socks...wait, was it here on this forum?


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I think specifying the color of his socks wouldn't be going overboard, lol.  ::nodding::