Author Topic: Word of warning about quitting antidepressants  (Read 1346 times)


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Word of warning about quitting antidepressants
« on: August 30, 2008, 04:30:42 PM »
My sister just ended up in the hospital for a week after trying to taper off from Cymbalta, which according to the doctors she's dealing with doesn't have any withdrawal symptoms.  Like so many others, she had been prescribed 5 different chemicals in the attempt to find the "right chemical balance" for her.   And apparently the manufacturer doesn't make it easy to taper down, since the pills are only available in time release capsule form. 

So how do the doctors respond?  The answer is to just go back on the drug.  Obviously since Cymbalta has no withdrawal symptoms her problems are just proof she still needs the chemicals.   

Having gone through the withdrawal process from antidepressants myself over 10 years ago,  I think the medical assessment is completely ridiculous.  In my experience all of these chemicals are likely to have withdrawal symptoms, (and a few thousand posters on the internet seem to agree).  Cymbalta only has no proven withdrawal symptoms because Doctors and drug companies refuse to acknowledge evidence otherwise.   I have very little confidence in the American medical system and it seems the situation keeps getting worse.   

Just a word of caution for anybody taking or considering taking these drugs.   


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Re: Word of warning about quitting antidepressants
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2008, 07:03:20 PM »
I am on Cymbalta and read many a horror story.....but I was willing to try because the alternative is unbearable....I have even heard people splitting pills and just taking some of the medication and then the rest the next day.  I was able to ween myself off of Lexapro without any side effects.  Just went to one pill every other day for a long time and then one pill every two days, etc. until I was taking like one a week and then I felt pretty weened,,,

"The Best Way Out is Through........and try laughing at yourself"


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Re: Word of warning about quitting antidepressants
« Reply #2 on: August 31, 2008, 09:04:10 AM »
I had a terrible time coming off SSRI's that went on what seemed like forever..  I agree with OC, that the trick is to do it by splitting doses and tapering off slowly slowly.  As slow as possible..  i think that people should really be made awa re when they are prescribed these drugs..  I think they work really well though.. they just need to be managed properly... and Doctors should be honest

Spy xxxx