Author Topic: Divorcing Satan  (Read 1796 times)

Angel Mom

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Divorcing Satan
« on: July 23, 2004, 06:43:08 PM »
After thirty one years of neglect, physical and emotional abuse I have filed for divorce and moved out of my house. N has emptied all the joint accounts and has invaded my private emails and phone bills. This divorce will be messy and long. I have no fear any more. I am going to be all right.

It is funny the stages I've gone through. Pity and empathy made me stay for all those years as well as fear. I have PTSD from living with him. Now I could care less what happens to him. He is not really human more like a ghost with an eternal howling wound. He has abused our children, hurt our pets, lied about me to his birth family and become pathologically jealous after I tried last year to throw him out.

I am sleeping better, eating better and have lost weight. I've gotten off some of my anti depresssants. Sometimes I have high anxiety about what he might do next but that is getting less and less. His mom and dad are also narcissists so my life has been strange.


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angel mom
« Reply #1 on: July 23, 2004, 11:27:38 PM »
Hi Angel Mom,
Welcome to the beginning of your new life!  Congratulations!  You will feel stronger and more whole everyday.  It will take time, you'll have slip ups, but you will (and it seems you know this) be o.k.  You've been in prison for a long time and now bc of it, you can appreciate so many things others have only taken for granted.  Do not look back.  Look forward and stay here on this board.  Congratulations again.