Hi Elaine,
I thought his outpouring was a marvellously self-indulgent rant about HIS feelings. Briefly, they were guilty feelings. I have had several romantic relationships with Nmen, and it was not unusual for them to put on amazing displays of self-recrimination. I would say in one way or another, each dazzled me now and then with a long flowery speech about their own "bad treatment" of me.
I would melt. I would think three thoughts:
Gosh, he's acknowledging it! He recognizes he's been unkind and unfair! That must mean he wants to change it!
The first two thoughts were accurate. The third was a killer.
This is what I believe about your N, Elaine. Sure, momentarily, he acknowledged it. He even momentarily owned it.
I believe it would be a FATAL mistake to believe that those "change back" dramatics indicate in any way that he is now going to change his character.
He's not. I don't even think he can. It would require being fully responsible not just for a moment when he wants you to take him back (his supply source is retreating, it's the classic response) ... but over the years of a shared life. He won't.
On some deep level that you want to have a HEALTHY life, a HAPPY life, not just romantic yearning and cravings for sexual fusion and enmeshment, I believe you know it too.