For as long as I remember I have always sensed a suppressed voice inside me waiting to get out. Constantly struggling with my conscience, not realizing that it was only fear that kept me quiet. But fear crumbles next to my courage and the strength of that courage comes from finally feeling myself. And this is not just some trite statement. I mean actually being in perfect unison with my existence. I know myself, sense myself, feel myself. I am ever present and bigger than anything around me. For in the end, this is all I have to work with. Everything else is just outside me. That me, that is growing larger every day. That me, who finally can see that they are all lies and have no truth. The truth only I can create and I will express it as I see fit. But as I do this, I will never lose sight, feeling, or knowledge of MYSELF. So, reach down deep and just do it. Just finally exist.