Now that my fiance and I are planning on buying a franchise, family has done nothing but try to sabotage all the way. From influencing the accountant to trying to divide our relationship with a friend of ours who will become an affiliate of the business, he imports electronics and we are going to utilise his stock. I made the mistake of trusting one of my brothers about our plans of taking out a line of credit on the house to purchase this franchise and he RAN to the family, totally snitched on his own sister.
When we were invited to go to his Birthday recently, it was like walking into hell with the whole family acting cult like and sinister by putting us on the spot, rubbishing our friend and trying to put doubt in our minds. I actually left the party when I realised my brother's betrayal otherwise I would have snapped. As we were leaving, I could hear my brothers backstabbing me. For those who know my story, you'll know that I've suffered many years from a panic disorder and I am now ready to change my life.
Working for myself has always been a dream, my fiance too. I am 32 and he is 37 respectively. We are not children who haven't done their homework. Buying a business is serious stuff and of course we know what we are getting into and where this particular franchise is going. The problem with our nfamilies IS...God forbid we EVER get ahead and experience some financial freedom. They are scared of our potential success. Of losing their superiority complex, of being able to treat us like charity cases, dodo's, losers etc.
One of my brothers has the gall to ring my fiance and rubbish our friend's (he knows him too) name and then ring our friend up to try and convince him that WE are incapable of such an endeavor. He has involved other people, other friends to keep tabs of us at our local cafe haunt, where we meet up to discuss this venture. They are all freaking out because they don't want this to happen.
I recently had a dream where a snake was trying to bite me, the night before I realised that family betrayed me yet again and now I know it was warning me. We have snakes around us but no way in HELL is that going to stop us from getting into this franchise. Its a done deal. My nfamily act as if I have to answer to THEM. I am angry, my blood is boiling. What they have done to me my whole life, sabotage after sabotage will have to take a book to properly convey. Others in my shoes would have suicided.
To know that your own immediate family does NOT want to see you do welll, while THEY sit pretty, make good money, go on their holidays, get married, have children.. basic rights that they want to deny you and take away is unforgiveable. I have to make this my year to break their narcisstic grip once and for all, please pray for me Guys! Thanks for reading, genuine