Today, I had a big success. I was supposed to go some place with my H. I got up to get ready ,do things around the house, and then I got 'shaky'. I felt like I did after I had a C-section, robbed of vital energy.
The Grief support group says that you have to expect that you WILL feel as if you had surgery, b/c the loss of a child is a shock to your body. I know I am still in shock. They say it can last up to a year.
So, I told my H that I was not going. He tried all the "tricks"(anger, shame ,guilt) to get me to go, but I had just read the posts on boundaries ,and I realized that I MUST have boundaries ,for any quality of life.
It was a big move for me and it is just the beginning of claiming myself. Ami
PS After reading the boundaries thread, I see that I cannot live this life with my MO,not to make my H "angry". He IS angry,but,you know what,it is OK.
All these years, my MO was not to make people angry and I abandoned myself.It was SO easy to reclaim myself FROM them. Now, I need to reclaim myself TO me.
If you get that, you have been there(lol)!