Author Topic: Jordanpeeps Story  (Read 2691 times)


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  • tiffany
Re: Jordanpeeps Story
« Reply #15 on: June 05, 2008, 03:46:30 PM »
Hi Ami and littlejo,

I appreciate your condolences, however I no longer "live" in my past.  I can recall it somewhat dispassionately now because a lot of healing has already taken place.  I see a lot of lessons in my experiences and can't help but feel they will not be in vain.  I do believe my life, as each of ours, has a great purpose and that our suffering/pain/hardships are for a reason: to teach us.  Anytime, I hit a "snag" in life, I immediately begin looking for the lesson, so that I may move on to either the next lesson or to a much-deserved lull in the drama.  That is my life, an undulating pattern of painful dramas coupled with beautiful periods or respite and rebuilding. 

I do cry for the little girl and young woman that was me when I think about it, though.  I think that its important to remember and to recognize what you've been through, but I do think it's more important to try to reconcile your hardships, to find a way to cope with your future in a more evolved manner.  For me, writing helps a ton.  As therapy, I have written the details of my life in journals, mostly to be my memory and to remind me of what I've already experienced.  Living with a narcissist will ruin your memory, because they are so easily able to FORGET things that they've done to hurt you and often wake up a completely different person each day.  I was unable to remember any details of my life from the ages of 17-30.  I just couldn't recall things when people would take trips down memory lane.  I would be suprised when my friends and family said things like "Remember the time so and so happened?"  I would be appalled at the things that they said as though I wasn't even present when the event occurred.  So, once I learned about narcissism all of my childhood memories came rushing back all at once.  That was a scary time, the scariest.  I was as close to considering suicide as I could ever be, so depressed and afraid.  But these days, after educating myself and restoring my faith, I am a relatively well-functioning human being.  Thanks for your sympathy.  It goes a long way in helping validate what I've experienced.

Take care


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Re: Jordanpeeps Story
« Reply #16 on: June 05, 2008, 06:44:45 PM »
(((((((((((Tiffany)))))))))))))))                Warm Hugs to You,  Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung