I'm not referring to the TV show either. . . . here's what I mean.
About two weeks ago, I slipped and told my girlfriend I loved her on the phone. We always call each other before bed, and usually talk too long. I was so stunned by what I said, that I told her it was just reflex, because I always tell M that when I tuck him in. I didn't really know what I was thinking or feeling, so I left it off. We have a rule that each of us only has one "take back" per week, and that was mine for the week.
Things have been going slow and steady and nice between us, and I'm really enjoying the way things are developing between us.
Last night, she came over after M had gone to sleep. We'd planned on watching a movie, but we ended up falling asleep. I was so tired, and just before I drifted off, she told she loved me. I wanted to say it back. I really wanted to say it back, and when she left this morning, I didn't want her to go. I just couldn't say those words. I don't know how I feel, really, or if that subconscious slip wasn't such a slip after all. I don't want to mess things up, but at the same time, I want to go forward.
I was so strongly reminded of a scene I'd written in a book last night. My character was falling in love, and refused to admit it, but I don't if the same is happening to me or not. I don't know how to tell. I'm so used to fending for myself, that I don't know how to express myself freely. I just bottle everything up inside.
Nothing happened last night, other than we ended up cuddling and falling asleep, and it was wonderful.